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Your Ads: Up for Auction?

Your Ads: Up for Auction?

An ad auction is the process search engine algorithms utilize to determine which ads to show based on user searches. The auction process not only dictates whether the ad will show, but in what order ads are placed. This is called your ‘ad rank.’ The ad rank consists...
Bigger Isn’t Always Better (Sometimes Less is More)

Bigger Isn’t Always Better (Sometimes Less is More)

The size of your website is not a direct indicator of where you land in search rankings. Bigger is not always better in a world of algorithms. Search engines, such as Google and Bing, don’t give extra credit for sites with more web copy. The copywriting itself must be...

SEO Strategies and Keyword Rankings: Mobile Versus Desktop

As if we didn’t already have enough to think about in any given SEO campaign, it is now imperative to separate and refine your approaches to mobile and desktop search. While mobile has become hugely significant over the last couple of years, this shouldn’t be to the...