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Almost every wise company or site uses SEO to boost their lead generation. It’s a long-term investment into your business that can give you great results and turn your site into a successful web page. But before we dive deeper into SEO and better lead generation, let us first define what those terms are and how they work. After all, blind faith will get you nowhere.

What is SEO?

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is a tool you can use to increase your site’s ranking in searches through the use of relevant keywords. If they find your article well-articulated and relevant to what they are looking for, it will generate organic traffic and turn those visitors into leads, eventually giving you more sales.

If you can use this correctly, your site will surely be visible to the eyes of the visitors as it is blatantly displayed in the search engine’s results pages. There are many ways for you to use SEO, such as link-building and keyword usage, that notifies the massive search engine’s radar and places you up high on their results pages.

What is Lead Generation and how does SEO Affect It?

Think of it this way: SEO and lead generation are traffic enforcers who guide viewers and visitors to your website, making it the best lead generator you could use. Through the use of appropriately used keywords, it shoots your site up to the highest results pages. The moment they search for such keywords, they are able to visit your page – since it’s on the best results pages – and sign into your website, thus becoming leads. That’s how it got the name lead generation, as it generates more leads that can turn into sales.

Of course, SEO is not an all-powerful tool that can turn your site into a lead-generating plantation within a day. It takes time and proper strategy to succeed in this market. The question that begs to be answered is, “How do you use SEO so that you can generate more leads?”

SEO as a Lead Generator

  • Proper keywords: Here, “proper” means that you need to stop using keywords that have high search volume since there would be a great deal of competition for that part, rendering your post at the bottom of the rankings. Use lower-ranked keywords so that you can land on a higher search results page for those keywords.
  • Aim for long tail keywords: Long tail keywords contain two or more words or phrases. It might sound disadvantageous, but believe me when I say that these could get you solid leads since they achieve a higher rank. An example of a bad keyword would be “car.” A more appropriate keyword for this would be “fast and comfortable car brands.”
  • Visit-worthy website: The days where a lousy web design would still be successful without any effort made, are gone. Make your site look attractive and interactive, and not just on the PC version, but also with its mobile version. Visitors look for sleek and easy-to-navigate websites, so you might change the overall design a little bit to suit visitors’ (leads’) tastes.
  • Use keywords that are local to your region: One such example of this instance would be using the city, state, or country that your company is based in. It would attract local customers that could potentially become leads if they find your site relevant and applicable to their daily lives.

No matter how simple it may sound, SEO and lead generation are not easy tools since there are many things you have to consider before actually using them. We wish you all the luck and success in your endeavors, especially when it comes to building up leads and using SEO!