When is an algorithm not a rule? When a human being doesn’t set it up. Sites such as YouTube use ‘machine learning’ to make their algorithms more robust and accurate. The main concept behind machine learning is that an application becomes more intuitive the more use...
Google’s machine-learning algorithm, RankBrain, sounds like something out of a science fiction movie. But, by producing results that would make even Skynet proud, it helps make all of our lives easier. RankBrain is a core component of Google’s algorithm, which is...
Columnist Jayson DeMers explores the impact of Google’s shift toward machine learning and discusses what the future will look like for search professionals. With Google turning to artificial intelligence to power its flagship search engine business, has the SEO...
Done right, city pages can be an integral part of a local SEO strategy. Done poorly, they can get you penalized, or worse. Here’s the right way to do it. City Pages: Good or Bad for SEO? Google became critical of pages that do not add additional value to a...
Even though SEO is a long-term investment, marketers often feel pressured to show progress quickly. Columnist Dan Bagby for Searchengineland provides some ideas for quick wins that can show value while waiting for your longer-term initiatives to start gaining...
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