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Google Al For Digital Marketers in 2019 will change the way you see the industry

We have reached a period in our generation where technology is slowly seeping into the micro moments of our daily lives.

Whether it’s utilizing Google Home to order a pizza, ask the weather, look at our calendar, or just browsing on Google Chrome while passing time, our online history is being stored.

These are all manifestations of technology we now know as Artificial Intelligence or simply AI.

Marketers are slowly beginning to utilize this technology in their businesses for the greater good; serving relevant, contextual content.

B2B industries are not an exception for artificial intelligence penetration. 80% of B2B marketers believe that by 2020, artificial intelligence will revolutionize the industry.

Expectations: B2B Marketers on Artificial Intelligence in 2019

In the B2B marketing space, AI may be referred to as machine learning. As machine learning continues to learn, marketers need to start having smarter conversations and letting the data work for you. Think about utilizing the IP date for everyone who accepted/logged into your “Free Wifi”.

Most of us would rather buy the next greatest list or “IP target” prospects than take the time to connect the dots to utilize the shopper data you already own.

Using Data Over Intuition

Want to drop a direct mail campaign on your busiest traffic day? Or generate a personalized email automatically when a returning shopper lands on your site?  YOU CAN! Start using your data now to work for you in making better marketing decisions in 2019.

An easy way to start using research is writing blog content on your site based on top shopper click thrus during a 30 day period. Google Trends, KeySearch, and Ahrefs are all great tools if you aren’t tracking your customer data yet.

Quality Over Quantity

A Harvard Business Review Study found that companies which use AI for sales were able to increase their leads by 50%. With tools like Google Search Console & Google Analytics integrated with your internal customer relationship management systems you can track what’s converting from which sources.

Deep Customer Segmentation

So long are the days where you have one to three creative pieces for 100,000 impressions served.  Now we have the data to know that you may need 30 ads to target the 30 different customer persona’s you have collected and are learning from in your Google Analytics.

Each platform, whether it’s Google, YouTube, Facebook, or Twitch may need a different ad to be relevant to that shopper in that moment during the buying cycle.  Marketers need to be able to learn and speak to customer audiences on a deeper level in 2019.

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