by Connor Rafferty | Aug 19, 2024 | AI in Law, Artificial Intelligence, Big Tech, ChatGPT
The Five Most Key Takeaways from This Blog The European Union (E.U.) has been drafting the A.I. Act for years now. This tracks because ChatGPT, which prompted (pun not originally intended, but nonetheless endorsed by this writer) global awareness of A.I. and how far...
by Connor Rafferty | Jul 18, 2024 | AI in Law, Artificial Intelligence, Chatbot, ChatGPT, Machine Learning
The Five Key Takeaways from This Blog Researchers at Stanford have found that on average, 1 in 6 queries by supposedly “hallucination-free” legal-assistance AI tools yielded hallucinatory language. Some A.I. companies are claiming to offer lawyer-assistant A.I. that...
by Connor Rafferty | Jul 18, 2023 | AI in Law, Artificial Intelligence
If there is one industry that AI experts are sure will be significantly transformed by innovations in artificial intelligence, it is the legal industry. The reason for this is the obscene amount of paperwork and the drudgery related to the analysis of said paperwork. ...
by Mia F | Jun 9, 2023 | AI in Law, Artificial Intelligence, ChatGPT, Legal
The New York Times recently reported on a case that is one of the most significant examples yet of how A.I. is changing the field of law and the way lawyers operate. The case concerned a flier who was injured on an airline and wanted to sue. The airline, the...
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